Friday, November 7, 2014

WoW News at Blizzcon

Well, WoD was announced well before this year's Blizzcon obviously, so there's no BIG reveals. However, there is some new information here as well as some explanations for the design and philosophy changes that WoW is undergoing with the release of WoD. I'd recommend reading through this summary post by MMO-Champion:

Thursday, November 6, 2014

WoD Raid Start Dates!

I stumbled upon the raid release dates for WoD, they are as follows:

December 2nd: Normal & Heroic Highmaul
December 9th: Mythic Highmaul

January 27th: Normal & Heroic Blackrock Foundry
Feburary 3rd: Mythic Blackrock Foundry

A couple of things to take note of:

• There is a 2 week gap from WoD release to the first raid opening up
  - This should give us enough time to get geared from 5-man heroics.
  - Maybe we'll start challenge modes if everyone is looking for something to do.

• There is an 8 week gap between Highmaul's release and Blackrock Foundry's release
 - I'm aiming to to clear Heroic Highmaul by this point, so that when Blackrock Foundry is released, we can progress on Mythic Highmaul and Normal/Heroic Blackrock Foundry simultaneously.
 - Once we clear Normal Highmaul and begin to progress on Heroic Highmaul, we can start up a second raid to gear up alts in Normal Highmaul (if people want to).

• The 10th Anniversary Molten Core LFR opens up a week after WoD release
- Not 100% sure on this, but if that's the case then there's the potential to get a couple pieces of gear from here just before Normal Highmaul opens up.

• I'm not sure when Highmaul / Blackrock Foundry LFR opens. Will update this post when I know.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Fundamentals of Raiding

As we begin raiding again, I'd like to stress some fundamental practices and procedures that we should be following.

All raiders:

• Avoid damage
This means not standing in fire, getting cleaved, or any other avoidable damage mechanic for a particular fight. What I'm mainly getting at is be familiar with the damage mechanics of the fight: deem what is or what isn't relevant to you. For unavoidable damage (example: Morchok's Stomp), utilize your damage reduction cooldowns. No matter what class or spec you are, chances are you have at least one damage reduction cooldown. Perhaps it's in the form of a glyph or talent. This leads to my next point:

• Know your class
Beyond knowing rotations, cooldowns, stat priorities, etc. knowing the usefulness of situtational spells, glyphs, and talents may become crucial as we progress in the higher raid difficulties. Talents and glyphs will remain flexible; you can change them on the fly before every pull. Use your brain and compare the fight's mechanics to your tools: Is there a talent that I usually never use, but will be useful in this fight?

• Use consumables (they're in the game for a reason)
Use a potion just before every pull so that we can use a second potion later on in the fight. This could make the difference between a shaky and a smooth start to a fight, the difference between making the enrage timer or not. Having 100% uptime on flask and food will be mandatory in our raids. I'lll do my best to provide consumables for the raid, like in Cataclysm, but you'll ultimately be responsible for having a sufficient amount of consumables before the raid starts.

• Get familiar with the fights
I'm going to strive to post boss strategies on this blog, so this would be the first place to come to educate yourself on the bosses we'll be working on. As they become available, I'll start including guides and videos made by others in the blog posts. Also, the in-game Dungeon Journal is better than ever as it contains a summary of a boss's mechanics.

• Pay attention to your trinkets
If you have an on-use trinket as a DPS player, most of the time you should be using it in conjunction with your other cooldowns for maximal damage increase. If you're a healer and the trinket involves restoring mana, use the trinket early (as soon as the mana return is not wasted) and often during the fight. If you're a tank, use it during high incoming damage (impales, high raid damage, etc.). 
I'm sure this is all common sense to most of you. However, when you have a trirnket that procs (example: your damaging spells have a chance to grant you 100 mastery for 15 seconds (60 second cooldown)), you should be keeping track of these procs. Among having other uses, I'd recommend the adoon "NeedToKnow" for tracking trinket procs. If you're a DPS with relatively short cooldowns (30-60 second CDs), it's optimal to coordinate popping these CDs while your trinket proc is active.

• Use healthstones
Besides having the ability to summon, Warlocks provide the raid with healthstones. They have three charges and restore enough health to potentially make a difference during progression. Everyone should have a keybind for healthstones. Although I'll call out a good time to use healthstones (for instance, during heavy raid damage), you should use one along with damage reduction cooldowns if you dip low in health (<30% perhaps).

• Utilize keybinds
An argument against keybinds is an awfully hard one to win. Keybinds directly result in smoother gameplay. After your muscle memory takes over, you can spend less time staring at your spell icons and more time analyzing the battlefield and reacting to the raid environment. Although I know most of you do you have your own keybind setup, and keybind setups are different for everyone, if you need help on keybinds, let me know.

Classes with a "Battle Rez":

• Be prepared to battle rez at any moment and react quickly to a call-out.
It goes without saying that your battle rez spell should be keybound to a convenient location. Furthermore, I'd recommend creating a macro that allows you to cast your battle rez to whatever target you're mousing over. That way, when I say "Battle rez Mike", Trevor, a warlock, or a DK would mouse over "Mamasmilk" in their raid frames and press the keybind for the spell. Easy as that. Obviously, it should be done as soon as possible. If it's a dangerous time to rez or a lot of movement is required, the rez will have to wait.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Tentative Raiding Roster

Consider this post our "recruitment board". I'll update this post regularly as we recruit new members and solidify what class / spec everyone will be running. Here's what we have so far:

Format: <name> | <in-game name> | <primary spec> | <secondary spec> | <class>


Nick | Ondai | Protection | Fury | Warrior
< Need offtank >


Trevor | Jungleblood | Feral | Resto | Druid
Brad | Witzel | Holy | Retribution | Paladin
Todd | Soros | Holy/Disc | Shadow | Priest


Mike | Mamasmilk | Enhance | ??? | Shaman
Tito  | Yudokuna | ??? | ??? | Rogue
Nick | Typhyr | ??? | ??? | Mage
Erik | Grubfeast | ??? | ??? | Hunter
< Need Warlock >
< Monk would be nice, would have one of every class >

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

About Us

<Death Metal> is a World of Warcraft raiding guild located on the Kil'Jaeden US realm. Most of the core members are real-life friends who have grown up together in Northwest Connecticut. However, we do have and will anticipate having members from all over North America. The essence of this guild is maintaining a tight-knit community: While we enjoy WoW raiding, we view the experience as a way for all of us to hang out and get to know each other better. If we're not hanging out in person, what better way to be together than to test our teamwork, skill, and coordination against scripted foes?

As the name suggests, the majority of us are metalheads to some degree. While it's not a requirement, if you're also a fan of metal, you should fit in quickly as we'll have at least two things in common: enjoying WoW and metal. Raidcall is our voice communication program of chocie. Whenever my computer is on and I'm AFK, I'll be streaming my metal playlists through Raidcall. Hop in for some sweet, sweet \m/.

The core members have raided together in past, particularly in Cataclysm. We cleared Heroic Dragon Soul (albeit with the 25% nerf), but we enjoyed the progression immensely. Beyond that, we have all been playing WoW for several years. As such, veteran players are our target recruitees. While we're not striving to be one of the best guilds around, we're confident that we'll be clearing Normal & Heroic raids and progressing in Mythic during each raid tier in WoD.

For the Normal and Heroic difficulties, we plan on having as close to 10 raid members as possible. Since the Mythic raids are fixed 20 mans, there is no current plan on how we'll expand the core raid group. Hopefully we can recruit the necessary amount of people, otherwise we'll team up with another 10 man guild.

I decided that the online presence for <Death Metal> is better off being a blog rather than a forum. We had a forum in the past, but it wasn't really utilized since most of our discussions take place in Guild chat or on Raidcall. The blog will be used to primarily post boss strategies and document boss kills. However, anyone has the freedom to post whatever they want here. For instance, I'll write up some metal album reviews every now and then.

Old and new friends alike, welcome to <Death Metal> \m/ 

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